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研究 消费者对低油价一年的反应


In 2015, gas prices in the United States were 25 percent lower than they had been in 2014. The US Energy Information Administration projected that this drop in prices would put roughly $700 back into the pockets of US households. Underst和ing in detail how big this boost really was, 谁经历过?, 和 how people responded has important implications for the economy 和 policymakers.

This report relies on an anonymized sample of one million 追逐 customers across 23 states to quantify the impact of lower gas prices in 2015. Middle-income households spent about $480 less on gas in 2015 than in 2014, the equivalent of more than a one percent increase in annual income for 60 percent of households. The drop in gas spending between 2014 和 2015 varied across the country, with lower impacts felt in the West 和 urban areas of the Northeast. Households had the potential to save $630 at the pump, of which they spent the majority—58 percent—primarily on non-gas goods 和 services such as restaurants 和 零售.

我们的数据, drawn from 57 million 追逐 regular debit 和 credit card customers illuminated the effects declining gas prices had across the US. 这四个发现包括 天然气支出和储蓄谁受到的影响最大,谁受到的影响最小 和 低油价如何影响消费者支出.

找到一个: Middle-income households spent about $480 less on gas in 2015 than in 2014. Reductions in gas spending were equivalent to a one percent or greater increase in income for 60 percent of households.

Middle-income households experienced a $477 drop in gas spending from 2014 to 2015. This is a significant amount for middle-income individuals, equal to roughly 1 percent of income or more than half a month’s rent or mortgage payment.

60 percent of households—those in the bottom three income quintiles—experienced savings at the pump that were equivalent to at least 1 percent of annual income.

发现二: Seventy-two percent of households spent less on gas in 2015 than in 2014, but households in the West 和 Northeast were impacted the least.

Most impacted: Seventy-two percent of households spent less on gas in 2015 than in 2014, including one in three households that saved more than $500.

Least impacted: Households in the West 和 Northeast were impacted the least.

发现三: Households spent over $200—45 percent of their drop in gas spending—on things other than gas, 主要是餐饮业和零售业.

Households spent over $200 on non-gas goods 和 services, 主要是餐馆, 零售, 和杂货. Gains in these categories were offset by declines in Transit spending.

发现四: Households spent over $150 of their potential savings from lower gas prices declines at gas stations. 包括在加油站的额外支出, households spent 58 percent of their potential savings.

The 25 percent drop in gas prices generated a potential savings of $632 for middle-income households. Households spent 58 percent of their potential savings – 34 percent on non-gas goods 和 services 和 24 percent on gas.


From a universe of over 57 million anonymized debit 和 credit card account holders nationwide, we created samples of 12 million regular card users 和 1 million core 追逐 customers.

Gas prices were 25 percent lower in 2015 than in the prior year. From a universe of 57 million debit or credit card account holders we created samples of 1 million core 追逐 customers 和 12 million regular card users. We ascertain the magnitude of savings households experienced from lower gas prices, 和 whether 和 on what they spent these windfall gains.



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